Letter from Headteacher Mrs Bellis 01.03.2021

Positive Covid-19 case reported at Lakelands Academy


Dear Parent/Carer,

I am writing to inform you that we have this morning recorded our first positive Covid-19 lateral flow test result. This is the first positive result since we started testing staff, as well as key worker and vulnerable pupils, on 11th January 2021. The positive result relates to a member of staff who is well and not showing any symptoms of coronavirus. Nonetheless, in accordance with government guidance, they are now self- isolating for the next 10 days.

There are a small number of students and staff who have been asked to self-isolate for the next 10 days too, even though we are confident that the risk mitigation measures we have in school are robust. It is clearly in all of our interests for us to take a cautious approach. The siblings of any of the students who have been asked to stay at home can still attend the academy. Other household members can carry on as normal unless someone in the household becomes symptomatic.

Although this is the final week of national lockdown, Lakelands Academy will remain open to other vulnerable and critical worker children.

As stated, Lakelands Academy has implemented rigorous safety measures to protect students and staff in line with national and Shropshire Council guidance. However, despite all the processes that have been put in place, schools are a reflection of the current COVID-19 picture nationally, so transmission in school will always remain a possibility. Today’s positive test is a timely reminder that although lockdown is coming to an end, we will all have to remain vigilant for some time to come.

As you would expect, we have taken swift and proportionate action to contain the situation we found ourselves having to manage today. The fact that we have gone much further than the government perhaps expects us to, is an indicator of how seriously we take our responsibility to keep our school and local community safe.

May I take this opportunity to remind you of the symptoms of Covid-19? Should any family members develop any of the below symptom, the whole family should remain at home. The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID 19) are a recent onset of:

• A new continuous cough and/or
• High temperature and/or
• A loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness. If you are concerned about you or your child contracting symptoms of COVID-19, please seek advice from your GP, NHS Direct or by calling NHS 111. We fully appreciate how worrying these times are for us all, but please feel reassured that we are working tirelessly to make sure that both children and staff remain safe at Lakelands Academy.

Please do not hesitate to contact the academy if you have any questions, via the school phone number, or by email.

Yours sincerely

S Bellis