Lakelands Academy is a
highly aspirational school.




We know that students learn best when they are fully immersed in the learning process through a relevant and varied curriculum. At Lakelands Academy we focus on developing the personal learning and thinking skills that underpin effective learning and future employability, and encourage each student to be a happy and self-confident individual with an inquiring and independent mind with a true sense of resilience and self-worth.







 We aim for all of our students to;


  • Enjoy education and engage with learning as a life-long process

  • Develop the attitudes, understanding and skills necessary for now and in the future, to exercise independence and initiative and to work, participate and thrive in a democratic society

  • Develop personal values and gain understanding of the values and ways of life of other people and other cultures

  • Develop appreciation and concern for the environment

  • Work co-operatively with others




Our aim is to encourage all students to be curious and open minded - to develop the necessary critical, creative and problem solving skills to be able to make a difference in the future. All Students benefit from a culturally enriching curriculum that has depth, breadth and regular revisiting of knowledge to give them the confidence to succeed. It is a curriculum designed to develop a 'growth mindset', encourage learners to step outside their comfort zone and embrace challenge.





Every Lakelands Faculty has its own mission statement. Every subject has a rigorous Key Stage 3-4 Progression Map. Across all subjects, good literacy and numeracy skills are reinforced, and the social, moral and cultural aspects of learning are highlighted to help our young people become well-rounded citizens. They develop a keen awareness of the importance of good health – both mental and physical – and positive relationships through the PSHEE Programme. The Careers Programme, which runs through all years, helps our students explore the rich variety of opportunities in the workplace, and enhances the motivation to succeed. 

In accordance with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, the curriculum is designed and delivered to meet the needs of all students, including those with disabilities or SEN.








We reinforce our core values in every aspect of academy life.
These core values are encapsulated in the question:
Is it 
They are values of respect, tolerance, compassion and personal responsibility.







Lessons and Timetables


At the beginning of each academic year, all students are issued with a Lakelands Academy Diary in which students will place a copy of their individual timetable. This diary is where students will be able to plan for lessons and upcoming events and record all homework tasks.

There are five lessons daily, each lasting for an hour. Our timetable of lessons is spread over a 2-week period. The day is planned as follows:-

8.50am  All students on the Academy premises
9.15am  Period 1
10.15am   Period 2
11.15am  BREAK
11.30am  Period 3
12.30pm  LUNCH
1.10pm  Afternoon Registration
1.30pm  Period 4
2.30pm Period 5
3.30pm - 4.30pm Afterschool activities, clubs and revision lessons.







Targets & Assessment

Our expectations of students are very high, both academically and socially. Targets are set for individual students, subjects and there are whole school performance targets. We track the progress of every student and measure their achievements against their previous performance at Key Stage 2 (in Primary School) and at Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9). These targets are based on prior attainment making it possible to build up a comprehensive picture of each student's potential, and this helps teachers to focus on what our students are really capable of achieving. 

When students do not appear to be meeting their full potential, they are mentored by staff or Senior Tutors, and parents are informed. Not only is this monitoring of benefit for fulfilling the academic potential of our students, it can also identify the particular needs of children who have, in some cases very serious, learning difficulties. Our excellent Special Needs department helps large numbers of students to overcome their particular learning difficulties. 



Assessment is part of an on-going dialogue between staff and students and therefore assessment takes place in a variety of terms. We strive to increase student's awareness of how they can improve and so we make increasing reference to success criteria using level descriptions (KS3 in years 7, 8 and 9) or GCSE mark schemes (KS4 in years 10 and 11), as appropriate. In most subjects, work is also tested on a regular basis and each year group has a formal "Examination Week".

Once a term, students in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 receive reports giving information on their performance in individual subjects and an attendance record, and students in Year 7 receive reports in the Spring and Summer term. On receipt of the Reports parents are given the opportunity to comment on their child's progress.

There is an Annual Parents Evening for all Year groups. In addition, for Year 7 students there is also a Pastoral Evening in November. 

We acknowledge and record personal achievements and certificates are awarded in all subjects throughout the curriculum on a regular basis. 




Homework is set on a regular basis for all students. It is essential that parents/carers help students to develop good study habits to supplement and reinforce the work done in class and at home, if real progress is to be made.

All homework tasks, including written work, reading, investigations and revision are detailed on the Show My Homework website. Each student is also issued with a homework diary where they can record their homework.

ICT facilities are available at lunch times for students to complete their work. The amount of time spent on homework each evening will range from up to one hour in Year 7 to two hours in Year 11.




Some further Information about learning at Lakelands